Downtown of Jakarta


CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility

As a family-owned financial institution, we are naturally building a future for the next generations based on responsibility and long-term commitment. We aim to carry out business by integrating global and sustainable impact on the different stakeholders as well as on the environment we operate. Within this context, Knotstone commits to having a positive impact through responsible actions which enable us to contribute towards a better future for our society and our environment.

Above all, we believe that our most important social contribution consists of carrying out activities which create wealth and jobs, and are founded on the highest ethical standards, legality, and respect for the environment. We promote the principles of integrity, transparency, and prudence, building the foundation of our relationships on trust, good faith, professionalism, collaboration, loyalty and reciprocity.

We also aim to back cultural, educational, and research projects through donations and sponsorships, putting special emphasis on the next generations.

ESG – Environmental Social Governance

Our commitment to responsible investing has evolved over the years as together with our clients we understood that finance and investments have a key role in creating an economy which is environmentally sustainable. 

Bridging the gap between returns-driven investments and values-driven philanthropic donations, a range of new investments have been established in recent years. The most popular are investments that pursue financial objectives while simultaneously integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. We believe that investing in companies and initiatives that are mindful of ESG factors, and which combine purpose and profit, is simply “smart investing”. Some of the ESG factors we consider are the following:

  • Environmental: Climate change, waste and pollution, deforestation.
  • Social: Working conditions, communities, conflicts, employee relations, diversity.
  • Governance: Bribery and corruption, lobbying, tax strategies.